Captain France

by Craig and J.D. Oliver

Strip uploaded on Friday, thUTC 25th 1997f April, 1997 (9955 days ago)


News entry for Friday, thUTC 25th 1997f April, 1997


It's funny how time changes perspective. When I wrote this strip in 1997, I thought Giome/Captain France had come up with an ingenious way out of Guignol's trap. I didn't think much about it after that. After the murderous morning of 9/11/01, America's eyes have been opened to terrorism, and much of what we thought we knew was wrong. Pulling a grenade in a crowded street isn't an act of bravery or insight -- it's an act of terror and cowardice. To be fair to Giome, I don't think he would have used the grenade; he was trying to frighten Guignol and force his hand. Even so, it's not a very heroic thing to do.

That aside, this strip has one of my favorite moments in the series; the brief cameo of "Captain Pants" and his sidekick (whose name, I believe, had something to do with shorts). Explanation: another comic called "Two Guys" was running in the Swinging Bridge at the same time as Captain France. For the past couple of weeks, they had been running a spoof on Captain France called "Captain Pants." I was delighted -- I figured if someone was spoofing CF that meant we were worth spoofing! We decided to return the favor by featuring the Two Guys in a CF strip, with me drawing them in my own style. Sadly, I was told that the author of "Two Guys" wasn't amused. :(

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