Captain France

by Craig and J.D. Oliver

Strip uploaded on Friday, thUTC 4th 1997f April, 1997 (9976 days ago)

The Comic They Wouldn't Print!

News entry for Friday, thUTC 4th 1997f April, 1997

The Comic They Wouldn't Print!

This is it! The Comic They Wouldn't Print! I was very surprised to open the April 4th, 1997 issue of the Swinging Bridge and find that Captain France wasn't on it! They had instead printed an extra strip of "Clive's Cruise" where the good Captain ought to be. I was shocked.

Theories for why it wasn't printed abounded, including the ideas that it was banned because it implied the drinking of alchohol (which it did) or implied sex (which it didn't). The official line was that they simply forgot -- which while plausible is a lot less interesting. Read the strip and decide for yourself.

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